
May We Meet Again?

 Hi everyone, One more time i am saying goodbye to you all. This semester is almost over so, i won't share anything else. But, who knows? Maybe, when i become a teacher, i keep sharing my materials about teachnology. Because this lesson was really helpful for me and, i believe it was helpful to you as well. In this lesson, I created so many task with my friends. Before this lesson, I wouldn't know many of the apps and activities. For example, I found flipped classroom very useful, efficient and applicable. While creating that activity, i had some difficulties because it is easy for students but, in terms of teachers it requires so much effort. But in the future, i will definitely use it. And in our augmented reality task we created a task to introduce them Rome with augmented reality. It was a very effective because they can see rome as if they were in there. But, We couldn't create it properly because we couldn't find an app for that activity. I hope, in the future the

Create a Webquest with me!

 Hi everyone, Today I am going to talk about my new task which is webquest. Before that class, I have never heard about it. So, first, I want to mention what it is and how it is used. Webquest is an activity where students get all the information from the web. It has a 5 essential parts: introduction, task, process, evaluation and conclusion. It is expected from students to read the pages step by step. It is very easy to use.  For this task my friends  Ayşe Toy ,  Zeynep Uslu   and I created a task. In the task we wanted from students to create a sport magazine. In the introduction page we mentioned the task briefly. Then, We explained how it is used. In the task page we told them the task thorougly. And, in the process page we explained the task step by step. And, in the evaluation page there is an evaluation rubric to evaluate their performance. While creating the video, they need to use  Flipsnack . My friend  Zeynep   explained how to use it in detail in her video.  By clicking her

Augmented Reality In Education

 Hi everyone, As you see in the title, today we are going to talk about augmented reality in education. Do you know what augmented reality is? Even if you don't know what it is exactly, you may heard it from interactive games, online shopping like Ikea or even the authorization to unlock your phone. Augmented reality enhance the user's real-world experience by combining real and technology based scenes or images. My friends  Ayşe Toy ,  Zeynep Uslu  and I prepared a task to introduce our students Rome, Italy. For our task we used  Canva  and  UniteAr . In terms of students, it is very easy. They need to upload unitear app. Then, they will scan the images and see the Ar images, videos and a tour to Capitoline Museum. However, in terms of teachers it could be a little bit diffucult because while preparing our task we couldn't find an app properly. We hope that in the near future, apps for augmented reality will improve and teachers will use augmented reality in class. To see

Grammar Teaching In flipped classrooms

 Hello everyone, Last week we learned what flipped classroom is. And, we prepared a video for vocabulary teaching. This week, my friends  Ayşe ,  Bilge  and I prepared a grammar teaching video for flipped classroom. For our grammar teaching video, we used  animaker  as before. As a topic, we chose 'obligations'. First, students watch the video about  'obligations'. They will learn what obligations are and, they learn to use it in sentence with the help of structure teaching in the video. After that, to consolidate their learning and to see whether they understand the topic or not, We prepared a  task  for them. You can watch our grammar teaching video by  clicking here . I hope you like it. See you soon.

Flipped Clasroom

 Hi everyone, I hope you are fine. It's been a while since i shared the last post which is corpus based learning. As you can see today i will talk about flipped classroom. Before this lesson, i have never heard about it. I assume that most of you don't know as well, so first lets learn what it is. The word "flip" means turning something over. You can confused about what to turn over. We will flip the traditional teaching model. As you know, In traditional learning students get the information in class and use it outside of the class. So, they do the easy part in class and hard part at home. In flipped classrooms, teacher prepares a video or use a prepared video about the lesson's topic and in the video teacher gives the information. When they come to the lesson, they do the activities by using that information. So, Students needs to pay attention to the video to join the activities in class. For this topic, my friends  Ayşe ,  Bilge  and I prepared a video for our

creating language awareness task

 Hi everyone, Today i will share with you my first task which is creating language awareness task by using corpus. Corpus are useful in language teaching because it enables authentic language input and, it increases language awareness. Thanks to corpus , students can see how a word is really used in practice. Let's start with the definition of it. " Corpus are  a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject."   For this task, students first learn how to use websites which are  lextutor , skell  and  for corpus. Then, It is expected from students to do the handout by using corpus. For this purpose, my friend  Ayşe and i prepared a handout. For our material, we want from students to use corpus from these sites. Our  topic is "quantifiers. The handout consists of three activities. We expect from students to fill in the gaps. While doing it, they will use corpus and they

Miss me?

 Hello everyone, After a break, we are together again. It has been a long time since i left this blog. Last year, for the educational technologies lesson, i was sharing my assignments with you.  This semester, i am taking Material Design course so, i will keep blogging. For this lesson, I expect to learn how to create materials by using technology. It seems that this semester is going to be exciting and busy. I hope you enjoy and learn with me! See you in the next post.